Ken's father thought of a plan to catch the wild cat. He set up a trap near the place they kept their fowls. He put some fish as a bait in the trap. Then, he went home and told Ken about his trap.
That night, Ken and his father watched the live telecast of World Cup 2014 on the television. The program lasted until one o'clock in the midnight. Ken went to the window to see if the wild cat had been trapped. However, nothing happened.
A bolt out of the blue, Ken was awakened by a strange noise. He thought that there must be something happened at the trap. He saw his father walked quickly to the trap so he followed closely behind his father.
They felt so ecstatic because they had managed to catch the wild cat. Ken's father flashed the torchlight at the wild cat. It was not able to move but stared at them fiercely and snarled ferociously. Ken's father decided to send the wild creature to the zoo next morning.
edge : 边缘
occasionally : 偶尔
bait : 饵
live telecast : 直播
snarled : 咆哮